About Us:

PC Error Fixers. Com is a California Company in business to provide valuable information and products to the Computer Utilities Industry.


Company offices are currently located in Vallejo, California.

office buildingPurpose:

"The Company" markets digital products that are designed, manufactured and warranted by various manufacturers. Our intention is to market digital products within the Computer Utilities Industry that are by design, manufactured and created to provide a valuable service to the consumer.


We will only market products which have been proven to be reliable and that have met or exceeded the manufacturer's stated level of performance.

The company will market these products through the medium of affiliate marketing hubs such as "Clickbank" and will offer no guarantee as to the continued satisfaction of the end user other than the advertised "Money Back" guarantee at the time of purchase which will be limited to the time period advertised. However, our belief is that the products we market will meet and surpass the expection of the purchaser.



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